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Lycensed started out as a feature for our primary software platform at Terrier Technologies: Clypboard. Eventually, we realized that it solved a problem that all Pest Control Organizations encounter and would be useful beyond the confines of Clypboard.

Now, we've made Lycensed available to any company that would find it useful. Feel free to contact us and let us know how you think Lycensed could help your organization.

Our Team

Allen Arnoldy
QA Analyst
Andy Selvig
Chief Technology Officer
Angelina Kyraha
QA Analyst
Ben Capp
Software Developer
Ben Pipkorn
Calvin Theis
Cole Bye
Cole Schultz
Software Developer
Dylan O'Donnell
Elizabeth Degree
Technical Writer
Eric Isaacson
Software Developer
Jarod Kafka
Julia Chen
QA Analyst
Michael Werdal
Software Developer
Pajaa Lee
QA Analyst
Riley Mateychuk
Software Developer
Sean O'Donnell
Senior Developer