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Free Trial

All Lycensed features have a free 30 day trial with no credit card required. There's no contract required - you can cancel any time.


Select the feature(s) you'd like to enable for your trial. You can always enable or disable them at any time in the future.

Seamlessly walks new hires through the steps and documents to get into the field quickly and keeps them in the field with year round CEU tracking.

$5 / Tech / Month
$100 / Month Minimum

Measure and map the structure to denote all WDO findings and recommendations.

$9 / Form
No Monthly Minimum
$2 / Form
No Monthly Minimum
$4 / Form
No Monthly Minimum

Continuously scans the manufacturer websites of over 15,000 products to make sure your library of SDS and Labels is up to date.

$1 / Tech / Month
$25 / Month Minimum

Store your city, county, and state business licenses to ensure they get properly renewed each year.

Free Feature!